Career Profile Assessment

Powered by RIASEC! Helps you match up your interests to the corresponding career clusters and individual occupations. 

This assessment is designed to help you gain valuable insights into your career preferences and strengths based on your personality.

What is RIASEC ?

RIASEC stands for Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. It is a widely used framework for understanding individual preferences in work environments and career choices.


Realistic (R)

Individuals with realistic interests enjoy working with their hands and prefer practical, hands-on activities. They are often drawn to careers in trades, engineering, and physical labor.

Investigative (I)

Investigative individuals have a strong curiosity and enjoy analyzing and solving problems. They are often interested in careers in science, research, and technology.

Artistic (A)

Artistic individuals are creative and imaginative, with a passion for self-expression through various art forms. They may pursue careers in design, writing, music, or visual arts.

Social (S)

Social individuals are compassionate and enjoy working with people to help and support them. They are often drawn to careers in healthcare, counseling, teaching, or social work.

Enterprising (E)

Enterprising individuals are ambitious and enjoy taking charge and leading others. They are often interested in careers in business, sales, marketing, or entrepreneurship.

Conventional (C)

Conventional individuals are organized and detail-oriented, with a preference for structured environments and clear guidelines. They may pursue careers in finance, administration, or data analysis.

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Consider focusing on your top three highest scoring categories to align your career with your strengths and goals. Use our Xpertini Career Catalog to explore job roles, skills needed, and growth opportunities. Check out our micro-courses for skill enhancement and career exploration.
